There’s a better way
to get more of what you never asked for.
It’s podcasting reinvented, reimagined.

We’ll try all this bullshit
so you don’t have to.
What if we could buy a new direct-to-consumer product every week,
and then talk about it for what, like an hour? Just simply imagine.
Featuring such brands as:

How it Works
There’s a method to this magic. Here’s how we make it happen.
Precise algorithms make shit appear in our feed.
Speed of delivery borders on irresponsible.
Talking about all this shit is a nice distraction.
Are you a brand?
I mean sure, who isn’t. But if you’re a brand with a product you think we’d would love to try for the show, please email us. Our show is unfiltered, but we’re not opposed to the idea of sponsorships, in principle. In the words of Bobbi Flekman, money talks and bullshit walks. No idea what it means. Let’s find out!

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